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ПРОЈЕКЦИЈА ФИЛМА „American History X”

Пројекција филма ће бити одржана 25.06.2009. године (четвртак) у 20,00 часова у Америчком кутку Бања Лука, Царице Милице 1А

Film: American History X (1998)

Director: Tony Kaye

Writer: David McKenna

Cast: Edward NORTON, Edward FURLONG, Beverly D’ANGELO

Genre: Crime/Drama

Plot: American History X unfolds through the eyes of Danny (Edward Furlong), whose older brother Derek (Edward Norton) is seeking retribution for the father’s murder.  Full of anger, Derek becomes the charismatic leader of a local white power movement.  Despite his intelligence, Derek’s hateful actions culminate in a brutal murder and lead to his imprisonment.
Three years later Derek’s mother Doris (Beverly D’Angelo), his girlfriend Stacey (Fairuza Balk) and Danny await his release.  Unbeknown to all of them however, Derek is a changed man.  Fresh from prison and ashamed of his past, he is now in a race to save his brother and family from the violence he has brought down on them.





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78000 Бања Лука

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