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Пројекција ће бити одржана у уторак 17.03.2009. године у 19,00 часова у Америчком кутку Бања Лука

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Writer: Susannah Grant

Release Date: 17 March 2000 (USA)

Genre: Biography | Drama | Romance

Tagline: She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees.

Plot: When twice-divorced single mother Erin Brockovich finds herself with no money, no job and no prospects, she thinks her life can’t get any worse.  That is until she is involved in a car accident from which her lawyer, Ed Masry (ALBERT FINNEY) fails to win her any kind of settlement.  With little alternative, Erin manages to browbeat Ed into offering her a job in the law firm as compensation for the loss.

With her trashy clothes and sassy personality, her colleagues fail to take her seriously, but that soon changes when she discovers a suspicious cover-up involving contaminated water in a local community causing devastating illness amongst its residents, Erin’s down-to-earth manner and genuine concern for the victim’s lives soon makes them listen to her and earns her their trust and respect.

Cast:  Julia Roberts, Ed Masry, Aaron Eckhart, David Brisbin…




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